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The Accidentals eBook Sarina Bowen

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The Accidentals eBook Sarina Bowen

First of all, Sarina is a word goddess. I kind of can’t believe this is her YA debut. She seems to have mastered the essence of YA on her first “go.” She brings real issues and happenings of those coming of age and writes them gracefully and tactfully. She took the popular “happily ever after... for now” and nailed it. It left just enough happy that we could never hear of these characters again and know life was good while still leaving the door cracked to give us hope for more. This may be an unpopular aspect of YA but I happen to love the open book endings. It is like a personification of their youth.

Rachel has had the weight of the world dumped on her shoulders and heart. Reading her navigate through her new way of life was gut wrenching but beautiful. Besides the rockstar dad, Rachel is an insanely believable character and is someone most people can . Her inner battle of good vs angry vs bad Rachel is relatable to any teenager and/ young adult. Sarina nailed the “voice” of a tragedy-stricken teen.

Jake. First, I love him. Second, I REALLY love him. He is the quintessential YA hero but has his own quirks that make him stand out. He is patient, passionate, and possibly the hottest nerd I have ever read. He is still a guy and definitely had his moments which made him all the more believable. I love that he is sweet, but is also easily frustrated when challenges arise emotionally and sexually. It shows his youth and growth potential because no 18 year old is a saint.

Again, Sarina is a word goddess. This book is John Green level with a pinch more romance. It is clever, it is packed full of situations and lessons teens learn, and it is written beautifully. If YA is your thing then don’t miss out on this one. And even if you don’t read YA, this book is still worth it. ANYONE who reads this book will most likely enjoy it.

Read The Accidentals eBook Sarina Bowen

Tags : The Accidentals eBook: Sarina Bowen: Kindle Store,ebook,Sarina Bowen,The Accidentals,Tuxbury Publishing LLC,Juvenile Fiction Love & Romance,Juvenile Fiction Family Parents

The Accidentals eBook Sarina Bowen Reviews

I love Sarina's writing, it's lyrical, flowing and just makes you soar.

However, I had a problem with Rachel and Frederick. At times they were immature, selfish and unthinking. Not saying what needed to be said, not recognizing how others were affected by their reunion or why they might be hurt or upset.

The relationship between Jenny and Frederick could have and should have been explored and explained more and not just glossed over with 10% left in the book. It would have added even more emotion and much needed reality to the story.

It was the secondary characters that made this book, Jake was sweet and loving, Aurora was genuine and delightful, Norah was mature and caring. As for Haze, he deserved more and honestly Rachel basically got this new life and forgot about her friend and Haze is better off.
It’s been a long time since I’ve freaked out to look at the bottom of my and see 4 minutes – 99% left in my book. I really didn’t want this story to end. I was even hoping that Sarina left us a little message hinting at a The Accidentals #2. I’m slightly overwhelmed, emotionally exhausted and so giddily happy that I practically ran to my study to start my review.

The Accidentals made me cry A LOT. I could blame it on my cold but I was misty-eyed nearly the whole way through. What Rachel has faced in her young life broke my heart. Her strength, courage and ability to carry on with her burden of grief showed how remarkable she was.

Rachel’s parents did wrong by her…from a good…ish place. Rachel’s mum Jenny had Rachel out of wedlock very young. Her mistake was keeping Rachel away from her father. Rachel’s father, Fredrick, is a world-famous musician. His mistake was keeping himself away from Rachel. Together, they gave Rachel a mixed-up twisted view of the reality of her beginning and how she came to be. It’s only when Jenny dies, Richard finally steps up to do more than hand over a monthly cheque.

Geez, I went through highs and lows with Frederick. I would never trust him but you can really tell that he doesn’t purposely act like a self-centred, egotistical, douchewaffle, it just came naturally. When you have millions of adoring fans, people who cater to your every wish and women who throw themselves at you, who could blame him? I wished, he’d devoted more time to get to know Rachel. She shouldn't have had to ask the deep and meaningful questions, he should have offered the explanations. Initially, it was almost like he was too gutless to admit to his faults. Luckily, he gets to a point where he becomes a real Dad.

Now, I wouldn’t say this was a story focused on the romance. It almost played a second or third place to Rachel’s growth. Jake was PERFECT!! Kind of nerdy, but the hot kind of nerdy. His patience and thoughtfulness towards Rachel made me a little giddy. Where were these kind of guys while I was growing up?

There are some amazing additional characters we are introduced to. Too many to list here, but I will make special mention of Haze, who doesn’t stay for the whole story, but played an integral part of Rachel’s recovery after her mother’s death. Sure, Haze goes off the rails and I wanted to kick him in the ding-ding. For a time, though, he helped Rachel get through when there was no one else.

Rachel’s roommate, the band guys, Frederick’s driver and parents were all great. I’m not going to mention names, but there’s one person who comes in late that I hated to love. When (no ifs) you read this you’ll know who. But, this person, you just couldn’t hate even when you wanted to. They weren’t in the wrong but they came into Rachel’s life at a really awkward time. Sorry if that was vague but I don’t want to give too much away.

Anyways, I know I was a wee bit mushy gushy fangirling, but this…THIS STORY…THE ACCIDENTALS is one of my best book of 2018. I know, big call, but it was just THAT BLOODY GOOD!! I have read some awesome stories this year and I’m not discounting all the others, it’s just still a shock that I loved a Young Adult story. Will wonders ever cease…?

I was devastated when The Accidentals finished and I would NOT be disappointed if Sarina Bowen decided to treat us to a wee bit more…soon…ish.
First of all, Sarina is a word goddess. I kind of can’t believe this is her YA debut. She seems to have mastered the essence of YA on her first “go.” She brings real issues and happenings of those coming of age and writes them gracefully and tactfully. She took the popular “happily ever after... for now” and nailed it. It left just enough happy that we could never hear of these characters again and know life was good while still leaving the door cracked to give us hope for more. This may be an unpopular aspect of YA but I happen to love the open book endings. It is like a personification of their youth.

Rachel has had the weight of the world dumped on her shoulders and heart. Reading her navigate through her new way of life was gut wrenching but beautiful. Besides the rockstar dad, Rachel is an insanely believable character and is someone most people can . Her inner battle of good vs angry vs bad Rachel is relatable to any teenager and/ young adult. Sarina nailed the “voice” of a tragedy-stricken teen.

Jake. First, I love him. Second, I REALLY love him. He is the quintessential YA hero but has his own quirks that make him stand out. He is patient, passionate, and possibly the hottest nerd I have ever read. He is still a guy and definitely had his moments which made him all the more believable. I love that he is sweet, but is also easily frustrated when challenges arise emotionally and sexually. It shows his youth and growth potential because no 18 year old is a saint.

Again, Sarina is a word goddess. This book is John Green level with a pinch more romance. It is clever, it is packed full of situations and lessons teens learn, and it is written beautifully. If YA is your thing then don’t miss out on this one. And even if you don’t read YA, this book is still worth it. ANYONE who reads this book will most likely enjoy it.
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